First; I am brilliantly pleased with the Tissot watch. It fits my wrist perfectly! A beautiful watch and of perfect size. Best regards Børge Hjertaker. ("Hei igjen, Først må jeg si at jeg er strålende fornøyd med Tissot klokken. Den sitter perfekt på hånden! Nydelig klokke og perfekt størrelse. Vennlig hilsen Børge Hjertaker")
Børge Hjertaker
"A quick and easy transaction from a foreign country was handled really smoothly. The watch was described accurately and runs well. Highly recommended.”Regards, Justin, Surrey, England
"The watch was even better (-than in the pictures) in reality :)" "Klokken var mye bedre ( - enn bildene) i virkeligheten :)» Terje Schjefstad, Trondheim
Terje Schjefstad
Good morning, I received the perfect bracelet, I'm very happy. I love Norway and I'm glad I did a deal with you. I also hope to find something for myself on your site in the near future. Ciao, Loris
I have received the watch today and it is indeed splendid. The condition is incredible, even better than I had imagined it would be! Thank you again for the kind and professional service navigating your extensive collection. Best regards, Leandri, South Africa
Good evening Per, This mail to tell you I’ve just received the two watches. Splendid ! I’m very happy, it matches perfectly with my expectations. I thank you very much for everything, I’m sure there will be other opportunités to stay in contact. Best regards, Christophe, France
Hello Per, I hope that you are doing good, just letting you know that I received the parcel safely and that I'm very happy about it ! Your service is top class and I will definitely come back as a customer. Best regards, Antonin from Switzerland
Hi Per. The watch arrived today. What a piece of jewelry! It is in great condition, beautiful and special. I am very pleased! Best regards "Collector from Bergen". Hei Per. Den kom i dag. For et smykke! Den er godt bevart, nydelig og skiller seg ut. Jeg er veldig fornøyd! Mvh "Samler fra Bergen"
Samler fra Bergen
The watch has been received, and I am really pleased. It did meet my expectations. I think the watch has a very nice design. I was made aware of Antika when I was surfing for a vintage watch. All the best Roger Hebæk (Har mottatt klokken og er veldig fornøyd. Den svarte til forventningene. Synes det er en veldig fin design på klokken. Jeg ble oppmerksom som på Antika når jeg søkte etter en vintage klokke. Alt godt Roger Hebæk)
Roger Hebæk
Hi Per, I’ve had my watch three months now, and I’m still in love! It is wonderfully beautiful, and having the watch on my wrist, it is no big deal that time flies. It was incredibly nice to meet you and get to know a passionate man of honour. Hoping to see you in Tønsberg this summer. Best regards Ivar Dyrhaug (Hei Per! Nå har jeg hatt klokka mi i tre måneder, og jeg er like forelska! Den er vidunderlig vakker, og med den på armen er det ikke så farlig at tida flyr. Det var utrolig hyggelig å møte deg og bli kjent med en lidenskaplig hedersmann. Vi ses forhåpentlig i Tønsberg til sommeren! Vennlig hilsen Ivar Dyrhaug)
Ivar Dyrhaug
Dear Per, Just wanted to inform you that I have received the watch today. The watch is fantastic, I am very happy and thank you for your kindness in answering all my questions. With best regards, Maxime (from France)
The package has arrived safely. I am thrilled by it's content, and I am so pleased. This exceeded my expectations. Terje Dalen ("Tilsendte er kommet i hus og pakket ut. Det er med stor begeistring jeg har sett hva jeg har fått, dette var i overkant bra synes jeg." Terje Dalen)
Terje Dalen
The watches arrived safely. What beauties! Even better looking in real life than in the pictures. Thank you for the deal and brilliant service! Sincerely, Ola M. Rydje ("Klokkene kom trygt frem. Helt nydelige. Flottere i virkeligheten enn på bilder til og med. Takk for handel og strålende service! Beste hilsen, Ola M. Rydje").
Ola M. Rydje
Watch has arrived, been unwrapped and admired. Even better in real life than in the pictures. The seller did not in any way exaggerate the condition of the watch. I am very pleased with the deal, and with good service from AntikA as. Sincerely Carl. E. Haaland ("Klokke er ankommet, pakket opp og beundret. Enda bedre i virkeligheten enn på bildene, og selger overdrev på ingen måte om urets tilstand. Er veldig fornøyd med handelen, og med god service fra AntikA as Med hilsen Carl E. Haaland")
Carl E. Haaland
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